Risa Lavizzo-Mourey Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor

Penn News |

Risa Lavizzo-Mourey has been named the University of Pennsylvania’s 19th Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor, effective Jan. 1, 2018.

Faculty Work Informs MBAs in Examining Unconscious Biases

The Wharton School |

Wharton professor of management, Sigal Barsade, presented a lecture on unconscious bias as part of the first day of Return on Equality (ROE) Week, February 13 to 16, 2017.

VAST LIFE Program Expands Horizons of Students and Future Teachers

Penn News |

Second year Penn GSE students in the Urban Teaching Residency program can participate in the VAST LIFE program where they are teaching full time in Philadelphia schools through Teach for America while pursuing their graduate degrees. The program gives GSE students the experience they need to meet Pennsylvania requirements for special education certification with a master’s degree in education, while also helping local teens and their families.

MSI Aspiring Leaders Forum and Mentorship Program Formed

Penn Graduate School of Education |

The Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions (CMSI) announced that it has been awarded over $745,000 in grants from ECMC Foundation and the Kresge Foundation to host a new program called "MSI Aspiring Leaders." The program will bring together prominent Minority Serving Institutions' (MSI) leaders to engage with mid-career aspiring leaders from the education, non-profit, and business sectors in an effort to prepare the next generation of MSI presidents.

Women in Physics Club Formed

Penn Current |

Penn undergraduates have formed a club to empower female physics majors through conferences, weekly presentations, monthly luncheons and annual lectures.

President Gutmann’s Letter Supporting DACA

Penn News |

In response to a letter from a group of Penn faculty received Nov. 14, 2016, President Amy Gutmann expressed her continued support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. Cathy Bartch, associate director of the Latin American & Latino Studies Program (LALS) and Tulia Falleti, director of LALS, thanked Dr. Gutmann on behalf of the faculty for her advocacy and work for immigration reform and impassioned response on the issue of immigrant students. 

Honored by The National Academy of Medicine

Penn News |

Anita Allen of Law and Arts & Sciences and Martha Curley of Nursing and Med were elected into the National Academy of Medicine, one of the field’s greatest honors.

Breastfeeding At Work Still Difficult

Penn Current |

Diane Spatz, a perinatal nursing and nutrition professor in the School of Nursing and lactation program director at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, conducted a study that shows some women find breastfeeding at work a challenge, even with a supportive system.

An Interview with Shaun Harper

The Washington Post |

In a Washington Post op-ed, Shaun Harper, a Penn Graduate School of Education professor and executive director of the Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education, discusses the controversial video that surfaced of presidential candidate Donald Trump objectifying women.

Stories from the National Museum of African American History and Culture

The Pennsylvania Gazette |

Lorene Cary of Arts & Sciences shared stories from the National Museum of African American History and Culture dedication in Washington.