Professor Dorothy Roberts on use of race as biological category

Roberts' pathbreaking work in law and public policy focuses on urgent contemporary issues in health, bioethics, and social justice, especially as they impact the lives of women, children, and African-Americans. She joined the University of Pennsylvania as in Spring 2012 as the 14th Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Sociology and the Law School where she also holds the inaugural Raymond Pace and Sadie Tanner Mosell Alexander chair.

Dorothy Roberts: My name's Dorothy Roberts. I'm the 14th Penn Integrates Knowledge or PIK Professor, George A. Weiss University Professor, and the Inaugural Raymond Pace and Sadie Tanner Mossel Alexander Professor of Civil Rights at the Law School.

My most recent research has been about the resurgence of the use of race as a biological category in social policy, especially in policy related to biomedicine and biotechnology.

There are large gaps in health in the United States along racial line, and what I would like to do in my current research is bring together people from various disciplines to think about the best ways to address these gaps and not to rely on a concept of race that sees people from different races as different genetically and that relies on a genetic explanation for gaps in health because we know that race is a social category. It's a political category, and race does have biological consequences, but not because of differences at the molecular level, but because of the effect of social and equality on people's health.

I think that people working in the life sciences, sociology, anthropology, and other of the social sciences, as well as law can very productively come together to try to address this very serious issue and also think about how do we define race in America in the 21st century.

Part of what I want to do at Penn is start a new program on race, science, and society that brings together people from around the university that are doing related research, people in law, in philosophy, bioethics, in the life sciences, genetics, anthropology, sociology, who are interested in the relationship between race and science and also want to see people from all these disciplines work together toward a more equitable view of what race is and how we should address the inequalities along racial lines that continue in America.